Boot Fixation provides world class ski boot service for skiers of all abilities. Ski boots are critical gear requiring thoughtful answers, not cookie cutter approaches. Whether your needs are simple or complicated, we look forward to getting you into a boot setup that works and that you enjoy using.
Our advanced pedorthic work provides foot performance solutions. We make orthotics for skiing (alpine, AT and Nordic), hiking and athletic shoes, cycling and skating. Jeff is a trained pedorthist.
Boot Fixation provides world-class boot service for skiers of all abilities, and we work with both alpine (standard) and AT (alpine touring) boots. Standard work includes new-boot evaluations, orthotics (a more advanced version of footbeds), liner and shell molding, shell punches and stretches, stance work such as canting, fore aft mods and adjustments for leg length discrepancies.
Our pedorthic work provides advanced orthotics that are comfortable and that compliment your natural body position for work shoes, running shoes, hiking boots, Nordic skiing, cycling, and ice skates.
During your appointment, we'll analyze your stance in both a static position and in motion. To be comfortable and to provide accurate motion, come ready! Click below to review a quick checklist so you know you're set up for success, whether for a ski boot or orthotic appointment.
Initial evaluations for boots take approximately 1 to 1 1/2 hours. For an evaluation that includes molding footbeds, plan on 2-3 hours.
Our clients include skiers of all abilities from novice to World Cup racers. If you're new to the slopes, you need a strong stance, good range of motion and a comfortable fit. Wherever you are on the experience spectrum, everyone needs the best alignment to ski their best and enjoy being on the hill.